The Nosler Reloading Guide 9 Reloading Manual consists of load data for 101 rifle and handgun cartridges with hundreds of new powder additions throughout the book creating a comprehensive data set for today’s reloader. This manual is current with every bullet that Nosler offers through 2020 from 17 caliber up to 458 caliber in the rifle section and 9mm up to 45 caliber in the handgun section. Nine new cartridges were added to this manual to include the 20 Nosler, 22 Nosler, 24 Nosler, 6mm Creedmoor, 6mm XC, 6.5 PRC, 27 Nosler, 7.62x39 and 33 Nosler. Also new for Reloading Guide #9 are the famed cartridge introductions written by a collaboration of veteran outdoor writers as well as industry icons and experts giving their insight into each cartridge detailed. Included within the 800-page publication are sections such as Getting Ready to Reload filled with tips from the professionals at Nosler as well as a Message from the President written by John R. Nosler and the book’s Foreword penned by John B. Snow.
Title - Nosler Reloading Guide 9 Reloading Manual
Page Count - 800
Publication Date - 2020
Country of Origin - United States of America
Publisher - Nosler
Subject - Reloading