Mec is known for making high-quality shotshell presses that work great for all levels of shotshell reloaders from beginners just learning this skill to advanced loaders who have been reloading for decades. The MEC Sizemaster Single Stage Shotshell Press offers simplicity without sacrificing convenience and efficiency. The "Power Ring" collet resizer returns bases to factory specification, regardless of whether they're brass or steel heads, high or low base. Factory set for 2-3/4" adjustable for 3" shells. Additional die sets (to change gauges) are available. E-Z Prime primer feeder included on 10,12, 16, 20, 28 gauge models.
Shell Length: Set by the factory at 2-3/4" but can be adjusted to 3"
Priming Feature: E-Z Prime Automatic Primer Feeder (except on 410 bore models)
Load Rate: 6 to 8 boxes and hour (approximately 150-200 rounds)
Charge Bar Shot Weight: 1oz
Powder Bushings Included: 23, 25, 29
Gauge Conversions Available: Yes