Hornady presents their brand new cutting edge long range shooting bullet, the Extremely Low Drag-eXpanding or simply ELD-X. Designed out of a necessity to replace commonly used polymer tips that have lower melting points which deform in flight and greatly affects accuracy at extended ranges, the ELD-X features Heat Shield technology. These brand new tips retains its shape and the highest in-class BC throughout its entire trajectory. Not only does it provide excellent accuracy but also excellent ballistics. Upon impact the Heat Shield tip is driven backwards that causes the projectile to have a large expansion that retains 85-90% of its weight while inflicting deep penetration and large wound cavities. Bottom line the ELD-X is the answer to the hunter or target shooter looking to connect with long range targets with the upmost accuracy.
Specifications and Features:
Hornady ELD-X Reloading Projectiles 33210
.338 Caliber
.338 Diameter
230 Grain ELD-X Polymer Tip Boat Tail Projectile
G1 Ballistic Coefficient .616
G7 Ballistic Coefficient .310
Sectional Density .288
100 Projectiles per box
Note: These are projectiles/bullets which are intended to be used in conjunction with reloading, this is NOT loaded ammunition.