For those who hunt in brushy country like Texas, Wyoming, Nevada or any terrain where a short, handy and fast-firing rifle is needed, Cimarron's Texas Brush Popper would make an ideal companion. This 1873-style lever-action rifle's 18-inch half round half octagon barrel is fast and easy to handle. It's good looking too, with its blued barrel, fore-end tip and butt plate, and color case hardened frame, lever and hammer. The hand checkered, pistol gripped stock adds style and functionality. The traditional adjustable buckhorn sights allow for quick target access and the choice of .38 Special/.357 Magnum, .44-40, or .45 Colt chamberings are ideal for small to medium-sized game. Whether you take it to the Cowboy shoots or out in the hunting fields, Cimarron's Texas Brush Popper will serve you well!